Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If you guys havn't noticed I have been making the first letter of every blog larger font then the rest of the body. You always see this in old leather bound books. I like how it looks im convinced authors just did this becuase they could not think of what to write their book about so they took about 5 hours drawing a really fancy large first letter... Doesnt really work typing. only gives me like 5 fonts to choose from. Non that give justice to my amazing artistic abilities. Im just kidding but for real bind my blog in leather some how. give every one a leather computer monitor just for reading my blog cuz im fancy. Yeah Drake I am fancy huh. 

Oh yes the photograph. This is a photo blog after all I should prolly talk a little about that. Sooooooo. This is my kitchen cabinet which is filled with yarn. My girlfriend makes a lot of scarves which actually are not itchy at all. I was having a hard time thinking of a title. And I know what a lot of you are thinking... No I am not dating a grandma...although this 1920 birth certificate I found is raising some questions.. I'm just joshing you. she is young and beautiful. Keep checkin back. I'm planning on doing some studio/fashion type photos and some band photos in the near future that i would actually like some feed back on.

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