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Thursday, February 24, 2011

It Shot Into My Face

Today was pretty shitty, but in a funny way. Well the first part wasn't funny. I got on the train and did that thing where you kind of puke in your mouth and your like "ugh that was gross" and hope no one saw you make a gross face. Well that happened today. It was gross and couldn't drink water for like an hour because I was on the train. After that I got to work and thought I was going to puke and got all sweaty but couldn't go home because if I did I would screw every body over. As the day went on i started to feel much better but then.........I tripped up the stairs holding my bosses coffee and the way I fell made it a messy situation. I fell forward up the stairs and put my arms out to catch me but with the coffee still in my hand and when my hand hit the ground It made the coffee shoot into my face. Mind you I was having a conversation with some one I met only 2 days ago. 
     Completely unrelated; school is pointless cuz i've lived my whole life just fine without knowing how to use a semi colon. 

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