Thursday, February 10, 2011

Put it on my thingy..

Today I was shooting photos of students artwork . I noticed that a lot of them looked sorta the same. All the abstract ones sort of looked like.....well.. phallic like vaginas. Yeah It makes sense. This got me thinking about that one building designed by Sheldon Schlegman in Chicago (yeah i googled her what of it). You know the "Vagina building".  Gather around kids. Legend says that Sheldon design the building to look like a vagina in a sea of phalli (yum). Well guess what Sheldon, if thats even your real name. IT STILL LOOKS LIKE A PENIS! It is long and erect. Just cuz it is a diamond on the top doesn't mean Its a vagina! Turns out that is just a legend though. Although, I bet if you ask any one they wouldn't know what you were talking about if you said the Smurfit-Stone Building . Smurfit does sound funny.

Aight Im out boi

Smurf it

1 comment:

  1. umm that's my favorite building in chicago... haha
